Not sure if I accomplished anything in terms of advancing the skill, but I sure got tired.
Hell yeah. I’ve got 14, myself. Working on a home recording studio now.
Bottom row, third picture
I just commented on that one. It’s ok. Not my favorite, but it’s got sentimental value.
Oh, i didn’t realize that was about the same guitar 😅
Which one is your favorite then?
As far as looks the Yamaha Revstar or Surf Pearl Fender Strat. As far as sound and playability, the Godin Exit 22. It’s the single cut mahogany one. I love my Fenders too. They will always be my proof to myself that “I’ve made it” because I didn’t think I would ever be able to afford even just one. I was but a Squier boy as a young man. The red strat on the bottom was the first guitar my parents bought me in 1999.
A Revstar in the wild! I have the same color/humbucker in Standard! Now if I only knew how to play it…
I love that guitar. Punches way above its price point
Who needs more than a bridge bucker and a volume knob amirite?
That’s my DeLonge style strat in teal and pink. Picked it up at a garage sale for $40 and got new hardware/electronics. It SHREDS now. I like to take it out on the back porch with my little rechargeable amp and rip some tasty licks in the sweet, crisp, summer mornings with a nice fresh brewed coffee.
I have a good life.
That’s impressive! Gotta get me an SG one day, really like the shape
My parents bought me that in 2002. It’s an Epi. I replaced the electronics and put fake inlays in the fretboard. Now the biggest fan of the tune-o-matic bridges, but they are easier than Fender’s for sure.
After 4 years of playing guitar I started playing drums lol, it’s so relaxing. You don’t need to think, don’t need that finger gymnastics, it just comes to me naturally like I’m born for the sole purpose of drumming. Playing something poppy like Coldplay Yellow with a few beers after a hard day is just muah
I didn’t know that Karen Carpenter was once voted best drummer in the world until recently!
Pretty cool!
Not sure if I accomplished anything in terms of advancing the skill,
Even if you didn’t make any great advances, your muscle memory still improved, your intuition deepened, and besides:
Q: what did you today?
A: I ROCKED!With every mistake We must surely be learning Still my guitar gently weeps
Hell yeah, I been sick as hell so I haven’t been able to play mine. I’m truly jealous.
Get well soon. What music do you play usually?
All the shredding and headbanging surely can get tiring
proud of you
Thank you.
What guitar do you have?
Schecter Blackjack A-6 and some kind of a MIJ Jazz Bass.
Hell yea!
Then it was worth it. Playing ability only goes up, so rock out those boring noodling sessions.
I accidentally played the opening to Folsom Prison Blues yesterday so had to learn the whole thing. Now my brain is obsessed with it, that song was in my dreams.
Anyone else use alternate tunings? I learned a song in D tuning 8 years ago and loved it so much it has been my standard ever since. Transposing the vocals has been occasionally challenging but I’m getting better at it.
Do you use thicker strings for it, or deal with lower tension?
Lower tension for the win. I play almost exclusively acoustic now so tension is higher.
I’ve been playing guitar for 14 years and its not u til the 4th or 5th that I started feeling competent, I played about 4-8 hours a day as a teenager.
Music is hard, you’re not going to play 1 day and wake up with newfound skill the next day.
if you keep having fun and playing frequently you will wake up one day to realize you’ve been playing for 14 years like me 🤔
Been playing for 20+ years myself, I’m getting fucking giddy over learning bass again. Heck, I’ve been learning some Alice In Chains on acoustic and I’m having a blast! Also learned jigsaw falling into place by Radiohead. But 2 years ago I didn’t know these songs and thought they were out of my reach, but got pretty stoked when I got them, felt like I finally got “good” at guitar 😂
Getting the brain to do work is good stuff