My cousin did that! It was hilarious tbh.
I could wish everyone had been supportive, but we all know the ones that are backwards enough to say anything less than nice, so we all got to make a little fun of them.
And my one remaining great aunt, bless her heart, thought that my cousin has gotten married and the new name was her new wife. Welcomed her to the family, sent congratulations to the same account because she just doesn’t do well with the internet. It was adorable. It was also awesome, because when she was finally clued in all the way, she said “Oh, I declare! They can do that now? Ain’t doctors smart!” She still talked to “both” people for a few weeks anyway, but eventually got there.
Not too shabby for a lady about to hit 100.
temporal plurality, great aunt was talking to her past self and her current self XD
Playing 4D chess
when a friend changes all their account names and pictures, i get giddy and excited for them :3
I havent come out to anyone yet but my PFP is now a Blahaj using a Thinkpad :3
You don’t owe your coming out to anyone! It’s a personal choice and if you want to just let people figure it out on their own, well that’s more than okay. I actively came out to family and friends I’m close with, but I’m sure plenty of people wondered who this new Facebook friend was and sorted it out on their own from there. Or my mom called them to announce the news like I just got engaged or had a baby.
When you aren’t out to yourself yet, but start sort of doing the latter anyways and still couldn’t take your own hints.
Me 3 years ago making picrews:
Also me a year later: still cis thoTM
👀 this happened to me when i changed my name at work with hr but failed to realize stupidly that my managers would obviously see it (since i was getting up the nerve for two weeks to write a letter to them about it but i always lost my nerve)
they ended up coming to me and saying did you transition? 🙃
(i realise im generally pretty privileged in my experience and take nothing for granted though dont get me wrong)