The fact that you need to find a national pride to find value in having a nation is concern. We are a people linked by a shared history and culture. There are elements I am proud of, such as our penchant for relative kindness and understanding, and our recent pushes towards more progressive stances and living, and there are elements I am disgusted by, such as our need to find value in being marginally better than the bigots to our south.
I place no value on the nationalism that you seem to be suggesting we should be finding, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be looking for it through our government. Our government is just that: our government. They’re not our wayward child, nor our burgeoning hobby. We aren’t supposed to be “proud” of them; they’re supposed to work for us. They are not our values, nor our culture. At best, they’re supposed to represent our culture and values. When they do, I’m not “proud,” I’m satisfied, and when they don’t, I’m angry, not disappointed.
Fuck no, I do not agree with you, and I’m not sure I could disagree with you more. The notion that we’re a joke of a country unless we find some insane, nationalistic zeal led by a small circle of ogliarchs is fucking insane.
The fact that you need to find a national pride to find value in having a nation is concern. We are a people linked by a shared history and culture. There are elements I am proud of, such as our penchant for relative kindness and understanding, and our recent pushes towards more progressive stances and living, and there are elements I am disgusted by, such as our need to find value in being marginally better than the bigots to our south.
I place no value on the nationalism that you seem to be suggesting we should be finding, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be looking for it through our government. Our government is just that: our government. They’re not our wayward child, nor our burgeoning hobby. We aren’t supposed to be “proud” of them; they’re supposed to work for us. They are not our values, nor our culture. At best, they’re supposed to represent our culture and values. When they do, I’m not “proud,” I’m satisfied, and when they don’t, I’m angry, not disappointed.
No. We aren’t. But more to the point, I guess you agree with my initial thought then “Might as well, this country had become a joke”
Fuck no, I do not agree with you, and I’m not sure I could disagree with you more. The notion that we’re a joke of a country unless we find some insane, nationalistic zeal led by a small circle of ogliarchs is fucking insane.
Biggest fucking joke in the western hemisphere
After you, Don trump, elon musk, their sycophants and pretty much your entire echo chamber, new jersey, Florida, your political ideas, cyber trucks…