Getting the year off right by forgetting to post this on Sunday, but better nate than lever. Anyway I watched the Fallout show so I am inspired to play Fallout 4 on survival difficulty. It’s been slow going so far as I’ve died numerous times, often losing ~30 mins of progess. Hope everyone’s new year has gotten off to a strong start.

  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I’ve been at the new Project Zomboid build. I’ve settled into one of those big houses with tall fences in the south of Muldragh and I’m trying to set it up for long term. The late game stuff seems a lot more developed now with significantly more complex agriculture, smithing, and crafting. It’s kind of all too much for single player though, like it could take months if not years of ingame time to master all of it and it’s also easy enough to loot that it’s like why bother?

    Idk I’m having fun at least.