Thank you! Is fennec the goto now?
That’s presently what I’m using, but I have added the mull version of the arkenfox user.js via Firefox devtools.
Fennec does release updates a bit slower than mull did via DivestOS’s repo, unfortunately, and doesn’t have a build up for these CVE’s as of yet. Granted, I don’t think FF android has these updates yet, but I feel like I remember Mull’s updates making it to my device faster than FF’s even, as they didn’t need to go through external review processes.
I think somebody forked it and is calling it IronFox. So you might want to take a look and see if that’s correct.
yeah but couldn’t find a way to install it
I got it using Obtainium
worked, thanks! never heard of this one.
Could you lendna little help to adding Mulls user.JS please? I haven’t had luck in ways I’ve tried. I am rooted.
I’m not rooted, but I used this guide with mulls user.js
The dev that supported Mull also made significant contribution to fennec, though it still has it’s maintainer, So I’m nervous about fennec’s long term suitability.
Yeah, I had similar concerns based on how long Fennec took to be updated to patch a CVE recently (The issue was possibly linked to the fdroid version and might not have applied if I were using Obtainium, I don’t remember)
Hm…what’s the best choice to switch to then? I was under the impression that fennec is less private and secure than mull.
Someone forked and is maintaining Mull:
Will have to see long-term if this is a good option of course, as it’s not been long.
I wonder if it’ll be added to fdroid or not.
I’m just using Obtainium, but I assume they probably will put it on F-Droid soon.
Thanks for this rec
Thanks for the heads up, didn’t know this!
I now use Cromite for clearnet, Tor browser for dark web
Chromium based browsers are more secure but less private on android.
I get a unique fingerprint when I check EFF “cover your tracks” on cromite.