Watched it, was very good
Watched it, was very good
Loud music!!!
This is just flat out false.
Functionally equivalent, the compiler will optimize lots for you. As the programmer, your focus should be on whether that variable is relevant to the loop’s scope exclusively or not (i.e. if you need to access the variable after the loop has modified it). If not, keep it in the loop so that its easier to read your code.
I’m gonna make a slightly different take that isn’t centered around work. Productivity in general is a really good trait that should be encouraged. I am a much more fulfilled and happy person having been productive throughout my day like working on personal projects, going on a run, reading a book, cleaning my apartment, etc. IMO there is a lot of wasted time in social media, bingeing shows, etc. that doesnt really fulfill me. Not saying these things are bad, just that if I’m not productive I fill my time with things which really don’t matter. There are a lot of really awesome things out there that epitomize the phrase “labor of love”.
Obviously, have some self respect and don’t destroy yourself for the sake of productivity especially when its for someone else.
SuperTuxKart works on Switch!
Thank you! Is fennec the goto now?
Fantastic video
“Its shocking that slang shortens words a lot” Pop culture being idiotic isn’t new. It’s idiotic to generalize an entire generation based off of it.
One of the biggest misconceptions of imaginary numbers is that “i = √-1” Well… it does equal that, but the bigger truth is that “i^2 = -1”. We don’t care what the actual value of i is, we’re imagining a number who’s square is -1 and all the awesome math that comes from that is the complex numbers.
At least stand by your principle in the same post. Consumerism is bad, therefore everyone should celebrate Christmas without buying a bunch of things. “For the kids” seems like a random concession to your strong belief.
Fantastic article
Of all the posts I’ve made, this has gotten the worst reception lmao Glad someone appreciates it
Hell yeah!!!