But you have heard of me!
When they call me to fix their PC 😂
…because he wasn’t ever actually meant to be the main character, he just happened to steal the show, like a good pirate.
This is just like Balthier FFXII
Balthier is the real protagonist, though Asche is another contender.
Vaan is the player character, but he might as well be the silent “protagonist”/PC that gets dragged through the plot that’s led by the actual protagonist(s). He probably would’ve been better that way.
Well, Balthier does ask him at one point why he is there and he just doesn’t have an answer for it.
This is peak Final Fantasy
I found it fun.
And reinforces the sentiment that Vaan really isn’t the main character.
“For the XP and loot, man, what else??”
I wish Vaan were silent. Kid was annoying as fuck.
Haaaard agree. I dropped the game halway through because of how annoying he was.
Anyone else having piratebay and 1337x redirect their browsers to weird German porn lately?
I couldn’t say, but I’ve had my german porn changed to shady pirate websites and it’s infuriating
Thanks for the Reddit response.
the reddit response ?
Yeah when instead of anything constructive or related the thread nosedives into puns and other cheap jokes.
Remember folks, Reddit invented levity. Before Reddit “sarcasm” was just a Tuscan pasta dish.
Probably because your original comment sounds like a shitpost. If that’s an authentic problem you have then it sounds like you’ve got malware in your browser, or maybe someone with higher access in your network hierarchy (apartment or university admin) is doing a redirect of some kind, though why to porn i cant imagine so I think we’re back to “malware in the stack”.
People arent using prowlarr or jackett to search torrents en-masse?
Never heard of those, so… no?
You should learn about prowlarr and then set it up along with radarr and sonarr (and whatever other *arr service you’d find useful, there’s a bunch).
Which domains are you using?
The ones Wikipedia says are official.
Both show the correct domains so I have no idea. They both load the normal sites for me.
Maybe it’s whatever DNS service you’re using?
I was on leetx a few times this week, everything was working great.
I was helping someone download a tv show on an Ipad, they use Ublock origin on their laptop. The problem is that their is no Ublock orgin on the ipad, I kept trying to find the download button and getting ads in the end I gave up. I just used the laptop. There was no torrent for this show, I had to use a shity ad-ridden site.
Brave Browser.
Or if want to stick with safari, download adguard extension.
Also orion browser lets you download U-Block for free on Ios.
All browsers on ios are the same browser engine, only recently have they allowed different browser engines.
Huh. Well then adguard works fine on safari and brave has a built in add blockers. So there are two free solutions.
Tried it, it couldn’t block the ads on the site, only ublock could do it.