To be honest I want to know what happens when the bee wakes up but I’m afraid to go through with it. Can anyone who done it share their experience? Thanks in advance.
Bee proceeds to ask if you like jazz. You normally cant hear them, but in this case the sound waves have no where to go but to your jaw bones and then ear.
Should I say I don’t like jazz or make jazz hands to signal the bee? Wait it’s in my mouth so signaling doesn’t gonna work. So, should I make jazz tongue? 😜
I’ve done it several times. When the bee wakes up it takes care of office odors. Something to do with airflow or something. Anytime my office gets smelly I just grab a bee from under the sink and pop it in the freezer for a bit. I’ve even taken a bee camping before by using a thermos. It wasn’t as easy to get into my mouth, but once I figured it out it worked great!
What do you feed bee while it’s under sink? Also did you get consent of the bee to take it to camping and putting it into your mouth? It seems you have a complex relationship with the bee in which the bee might need help with representation. If that’s the case I know some lawyers.
I was talking w/ a friend at a party and a wasp flies between us and he just grabs it out of the air and pops it straight into his mouth. Like ten seconds later (me just shocked pikachu face) he just spits it out and it falls until it’s about to hit the ground. Wings finally dry enough just in time and it pulls up and zips away.
To be honest I want to know what happens when the bee wakes up but I’m afraid to go through with it. Can anyone who done it share their experience? Thanks in advance.
Bee proceeds to ask if you like jazz. You normally cant hear them, but in this case the sound waves have no where to go but to your jaw bones and then ear.
Should I say I don’t like jazz or make jazz hands to signal the bee? Wait it’s in my mouth so signaling doesn’t gonna work. So, should I make jazz tongue? 😜
Answer: No but I do like Rimsky-Korsakov.
Then play this
I’ve done it several times. When the bee wakes up it takes care of office odors. Something to do with airflow or something. Anytime my office gets smelly I just grab a bee from under the sink and pop it in the freezer for a bit. I’ve even taken a bee camping before by using a thermos. It wasn’t as easy to get into my mouth, but once I figured it out it worked great!
What do you feed bee while it’s under sink? Also did you get consent of the bee to take it to camping and putting it into your mouth? It seems you have a complex relationship with the bee in which the bee might need help with representation. If that’s the case I know some lawyers.
I could, but I won’t
Understandable… Performance anxiety is a hard thing to get over.
I need some ointment for that burn. Not for my bee sting; for the burn.
I was talking w/ a friend at a party and a wasp flies between us and he just grabs it out of the air and pops it straight into his mouth. Like ten seconds later (me just shocked pikachu face) he just spits it out and it falls until it’s about to hit the ground. Wings finally dry enough just in time and it pulls up and zips away.
I’m sorry but I’m a conservative when it comes to the bees. Wasps can fuck right off.(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
This guy has done it.
Apparently a murder hornet though, not a bee.