Death to America
Please euthanize yourself America. Piece of dogshit of an empire.
This post was reported for “spam or abuse” lol if you think America should continue to exist and calling it a dogshit empire is abuse please post your justification below so we can point and laugh at you!
”Do no harm…”
Can’t decide whether the hypothetical oath or the hipocritical oath would be the better fit here
and I can not stress this enough
to America
They drug test every single newborn baby?
maybe it’s a
Considering how pale the one in photo is, more likely misogyny.
yeah sure that too, but she’s got a hispanic last name, so it could be based on whoever read the chart and was like, “oh, a brown name, better test the baby”
Seems like you’re right with racism being the main factor.
while in the hospital in texas: they had me see an addiction specialist because i was “using” marijuana and then the doctor in california lol’ed and threw it away.
the cherry on top is that they sent me a bill for it and it’s not getting paid.
my version was ultra mild and i can’t imagine what it’s like for the people who are stuck in these situations
It would be inappropriate for me to scream at my desk… I want to scream.
death to america
Whenever I see the occasional lib that takes the attitude “sure USA is a global menace, but somebody has to be on top and I’d rather it be our nation so we benefit,” I invoke stuff like this. This empire is dog-shit even for most of its core subjects.
Hot take but this is one of many reasons why I’d never give birth in a hospital unless it was 100% medically necessary (and also one of a million reasons why I will never give birth at all.)
Nurses and doctors are cops. Social workers are cops. Everyone fancies themself a fucking cop.
My sister gave birth to her first child at a hospital and the experience was so bad, she needed years of therapy and vowed she’d never give birth in a hospital again. Her second and third kids were delivered at home with a certified nurse midwife.
And my sister is not anti-medicine or anti-vaxx. She takes pharmaceuticals. She and her kids are fully vaccinated.
The way birthing people are treated in this country is oppressive and carceral.