I’ve noticed that the NDP has a visibility problem especially among blue collar workers. I’t seems that many people seem to think that the conservatives are going to make canada more affordable. How can I talk to people to get them to understand that the conservatives are just business as usual and are going to make canada more affordable for big corperations and resource extraction companies. Not the workers who actually get stuff done?
Lower your expectations. Best you can probably do by yourself is to get them to not vote by showing them that the conservatives suck.
Doing a 180 and going for the NDP is unrealistic unless you’re talking about a childhood friend or someone who owes you their life.
It is not unrealistic to think that someone in labour might become interested in hearing more about the only labour party in Canada when they are exposed to the actual ideas, regardless of who they voted for most recently. It happens all the time. There aren’t opposites in politics, that is an illusion.
Good on you. Know what their issues are (e.g., affordability, carbon tax) and have some relevant, effective, and true points on hand (e.g., Most Canadians receive money from the carbon rebate program, and so PP axing that so-called tax means you won’t get those quarterly checks. See it’s actually a corporate tax that he wants to axe). Acknowledge their issue when they bring it up. Honestly empathize with the real aspects of it (e.g., you too know what affordability issues are like) and communicate this. And then casually explain why you’re voting the way you are, or not the way that they are intend to. “And this is why the NDP have my vote because they’ve pushed to expand public health care start to include fully covered prescription medication. And I want to see more of that.” (The Conservatives probably voted against that too)
I think you would probably appreciate deep canvassing here! It does take a bit of work to get better at, but there are trainings you can find online or sign up for and it does honestly help.
Well, are you listening to them? What are their problems, their concerns, their fears and trepidations? How did they fair under a decade of Trudeau?
What do they want from the government?
Use what they say to lead into a discussion.