“There were insults I’d never heard before, they were disgusting and inhumane,” said Darim, which is not her real name. One read: “You’ve just sabotaged your job.”
What’s with east Asia and their fundamental misunderstanding of what feminism is? In this article, they think that making fun of penis sizes is feminism.
As a genshin player, I’ve read multiple posts from Chinese and Korean players on reddit, back when I was still on there, where they refer to the weirdest things as feminism. Sometimes they are against the thing. Sometimes they are for it. But it just doesn’t have anything to do with feminism but they keep calling it feminist.
Is the same with ‘Woke’, it’s just become shorthand for ‘anything I don’t like’.
I mean, it happens in the west too. Just look at that whole gamergate debacle.
I feel like it’s just way more mainstream over there. Looked into it more after writing the comment you’re replying to, and, from how news sites and forums are describing the situation, anti-feminism seems to be to Korean elections what transphobia is to American ones.
That’s fair, it’s certainly a very mainstream view.
The bigger a threat to the status quo a group or movement becomes, the bigger the lies those who benefit from that status quo need to tell themselves to justify their opposition to progress.
to be fair feminism has had very little to do with feminism for quite awhile so it’s easy to project pretty much anything onto it.
edit: of course in Korea it still has something to fight, so I would assume it’s actually what it says on the tin still.
If you think feminism is accomplished and has nothing left to fight for in the USA and Europe then you are not very observant.
They can see just fine, they just don’t know what it means because they don’t want to know in the first place.
are men OK?
Men are fine, the “Gamer” culture is toxic
Just go to any multiplayer FPS game, and you have right wing shit in the chat. 🤦♂️
Yeah, because all those dumbfucks you see on twitter who probably don’t even know how to grab a gamepad are fine…
Many men (and women) are not ok. They are either ignorant or evil (or both) enough to think that the middle age was a great time to be alive. And today, they are free to say it on the internet without the risk of being ostracized or ridiculed because “all opinions must be respected”.
You’re confusing people who play video games with g*mers
Just go to any place and you have right wing shit in the chat/comments/etc. ‘Gamers’ aren’t any more toxic than the average population.
theres a huge subset of males in south korea(in context of where the hand gesture offensive) that find it extremely offensive. It’s very specific to south korea.
It’s very specific to south korea.
The hand gesture might be, but the aggressive reaction to anything that even implies feminism, absolutely isn’t
No, no they are not. Clearly.
I’m not, but in a whole different way than that, oh my god!
Yes, these men are not though
Stop generalizing.
lol, take it easy - the joke is funny precisely because most men do not care, the generalizing is ironic
Men don’t have a problem with feminism. Micropeners have a problem with feminism.
6 dudes with micropeems that don’t understand it’s about the microdick in their brain so far
Hey, we’re internet famous: https://infosec.pub/post/22345046
It’s nice to be hated by the right people.
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Thank you for that eloquent demonstration of my thesis, nanocock.
To the downvoters of this post: 🤏
Amazing how dumb fucks continuously self report on their insecurities so publicly.
Okay I’m starting to think the demographical collapse South Korea is going through might be deserved.
Moon Channel has 2 videos on this, pretty long ones beware, “gatcha drama and the Korean gender war” really worth watching because it’s pretty crazy and there is a lot of stuff people need to know to start understanding how this even happened.
They just proved the feminists right.
Trump’s sure making the planet a better place…