The person who told me I used it offensively didnt really explain why to me. I’ve avoided saying the word for years straight now. I still don’t know how to say the word ethnic appropriately.

I can’t help but think I might have said it with a colonial perspective

Btw, why is it perfectly fine here?

  • xj9 [they/them, she/her]
    2 months ago

    oh. well there’s your problem, all cultures are ethnic. that’s what ethnicity is, its what you call a group of people that share a particular way of life. the word is generally used in reference to a specific culture or a set of specific cultures and practices related to them or when referring to the concept of ethnicity in the abstract. imo saying “ethnic culture” without being specific to a culture is generally taken as racializing the term because it presupposes some default non-ethnic culture that doesn’t really exist.