• nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Joining the death cult means you support the proliferation of guns which have cost us over a million lives so far in the last twenty years.

    Your opinion, not reason. And a stupid opinion. Everyone coming for queer people will have guns. You just want them to sit there and die.

    It is clear people don’t really care about human life who suckle on the teat of the gunsexual movement.

    True. That is a sickness in American culture that queer people have no power to change. Their choice is life or death. You keep insisting they should choose death and then say they’re joining a death cult for trying to choose life lol.

    Their is no real logic here only pure propaganda and indoctrination into a cult that sacrifices a thousand children every year on their altar of lies and deceit.

    There is very simple logic here and despite the volume of words you’ve spewed forth you haven’t refuted any of it. Queer people are a minority. They cannot change American gun culture. The people Trump empowers hate them and they all have guns. Maybe having guns will work as deterrent, or maybe not, but you insist they should just sit there passively and die. No part of that is logic.

    • Doomsider@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Just another defense fantasy syndrome here imagining that the only way for people to have rights is to kill each other. Wake the fuck up. This is not necessary in any other major country.

      You have been fed a lie and continue to ignore the unnecessary body count. You think moar guns is going to solve the problems when it just creates it. An unregulated armed society is one that loses the equivalent of a war in population every year.

      We already have more guns than people. Zero kids in Japan died this year from guns and a it is now the number one cause of child death in the US. How many moar guns do we need. We have roughly twice as many guns than people

      Perhaps you gun nutters think we need ten or twenty times moar guns than people. Instead of two guns for every man woman child and baby we need ten gunnnns ddddduuuurrr.

      Meanwhile arms manufacturer are laughing all the way to the bank while we lose over a hundred lives everyday to guns.



      You are defending the death cult plain and simple. No logic just defense fantasy syndrome.

      • nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        You are defending the death cult plain and simple. No logic just defense fantasy syndrome.

        Repeating nonsense isn’t logic dude. In all that bullshit you didn’t even explain what part of the very simple logic I explained is even wrong. Queer people do not have the power to change American culture themselves. They have to live in the world as is. It is you who are advocating for a death cult.

        • Doomsider@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Well you decided to make a point that literally had nothing to do with what I was saying. Then you have the audacity to talk to me about logic.

          My point was moar guns does not solve the problem. You ignore countless deaths under the false assumption that more gun owners will equal less deaths. This is simply false.

          More queers with guns will equal more gun deaths. There is literally no other conclusion possible with the evidence at hand.

          This is the death cult. Believing moar guns will lead to less deaths. Listen, I know you are a fucking gun nutter so I really don’t care what twisted inbred logic you use to justify 50k+ Americans dying from guns every year. It is the number one killer of children.

          So stop pretending you know shit about this because you are just pulling your opinions out of your ass at this point

          • nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
            2 months ago

            So stop pretending you know shit about this because you are just pulling your opinions out of your ass at this point

            You’re pathetic anger is amusing. Still no logical argument, no substance. People wanting to protect themselves the only way they can is “joining a death cult” -you. Lol.

            • Doomsider@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              You are so fucking stupid about this let me spell it out again.

              How many gays are being murdered by Maga fucking losers everyday? About 0. Meanwhile over a hundred Americans died today from guns. Today and every fucking day. Please lecture me about the death cult some more.

              How fucking stupid are your opinions? I bet you think arming both sides in a conflict helps to resolve it. Clearly whoever is right will magically kill whoever is wrong.

              Keep pulling those opinions out your ass but don’t be surprised when everyone tells you they stink.

              • nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
                2 months ago

                Bro I think your anger is at about an 8/10. I think if you tried you could dial it up to 10. I believe in you . Go for the gold. Everyone does their best thinking when on the verge of popping an aneurism.

                How fucking stupid are your opinions? I bet you think arming both sides in a conflict helps to resolve it.

                One side is already armed and openly wants to eliminate the other. The other therefore wants to be able to defend themselves. Literally the only one who doesn’t understand this is you. Literally just you, all by yourself, utterly confused.

                • Doomsider@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  Sorry that I don’t want to play defense fantasy RP with you. Guns unnecessarily kill a ridiculous amount of people. You can’t even compare our gun deaths with other modern countries.

                  You have the mentality of an arms dealer and you fully embrace the death cult ignoring ten of thousands of Americans die every year for nothing.

                  I have the right to be pissed because we have only talked about deaths so far. What about all the maiming and injuries, what about all the people that are threatened, what about all the women raped by gun point.

                  It is estimated over four million women have been threatened at gun point. I know you don’t care about human life or the plight of women though because your only solution is moar guns.

                  And that is why you are so fucking stupid. You ignore everything and instead imagine a defense fantasy and then go hur dur people have the right to defend themselves. That is your entire thought process and frankly it shows your a fucking clown.