“Nearly every social event I have attended with [communists] has inevitably had some conversation about linux, furry culture, obscure leftist history, tabletop games, or other equally nerdy subjects”
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1 hr down of a 9 hour sonic underground retrospective vid I’m watching and I’m learning that this is definitely a show. I really don’t know if I’m gonna watch it after this vid like I’ve seen sonic x growing up and tuned into sonic boom but this is a different beast.
can you link this vid? asking for a friend who is very bored and stressed about work
Sure give me a bit I’ll edit this comment in like 10 mins with it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EJAd58QUuY8&pp=ygUfc29uaWMgdW5kZXJncm91bmQgcmV0cm9zcGVjdGl2ZQ%3D%3D
thank you just what i needed
might hit you up next time i’m having a bad day too, then, this video is incredible so far, ty
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: