I’m on a social network where people with IT experience sometimes help other people. Some of them don’t want their work to be free (to avoid abuse of free work) but they also don’t want to charge money. So we thought that in exchange we could ask for small donations for some NGO.

Do you know of any service or NGO that accepts small donations via Paypal and that also offers the possibility of indicating an arbitrary email address as proof that the donation was made? For example:

Alice helps Bob to fix his computer. After that, Bob should make small donation to some NGO and put alice@email.com so Alice can have a donation proof in her email account.

Sorry if my English is not good enough.

  • contracode@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    This can be risky unless you are registered as a non-profit or as a for-profit organization that helps to solicit and collect donations. This requires insurance and registration with state authorities.

    This isn’t as simple as you wrote if you are operating within the United States.

    Source: I tried to do something like this about 10 years ago, and recently looked at trying again. I’m also a risk consultant for banks, by day.

    Disclaimer: The above is not intended to be legal nor financial advice. I am not a lawyer nor an accountant.