Lots of bangers. Uplifting clips of kids seeing through American propaganda, and genuinely heartwarming moments of cross-cultural learning.
You guys gotta stop calling it RedNote, okay? If we’re doing this even partially as an F U to our own US government, you’ve got to start calling it Little Red Book or just RedBook!
Move to china then!
I’m considering it more every day.
It would probably do wonders for my mental health to live somewhere where the future isn’t canceled. My only hangup is that I like THC and East Asia is pretty strict with drugs.
Didn’t Thailand legalise it recently?
They did, then have vowed to recriminalise it before year-end. Plus, for people who consume cannabis (and I think this includes CBD), China considers having presence of drugs in the system the same as consuming drugs within the country. Tourists travelling to PRC after consuming cannabis in Thailand have been caught out and charged.
I will!