My subjects keep trying to eat my camera
really need to organize some photo books!
If the weather is nice tomorrow, we’re gonna try for a picture of Jupiter.
Can’t wait for longer days. Trying a weekly photo challenge, but with a full time job it doesn’t leave much light to use.
OK. No news images this week but worked on some drone video footage we took on a recent trip to the Dolomites
Need more decent sunlight in the UK
I can never get up the energy to go out and do any anymore.
For me at least, photography is a secondary activity that I do during the “real” activity - going for a walk, getting outside, etc. Photography does provide a secondary motivation to doing that activity.
I mostly do bird photography, with a 600mm lens, so the activity pretty much has to be just the bird photography, because it is a heavy bag to carry and I have back problems.
I see. Do you have an interest in birds outside photography? If yes, I hope you’re still able to get out there and enjoy them, even if you’re not doing it with a camera. If not, do you see yourself getting interested in a different subject? I’ve been chasing bees and flowers as the opportunity arises and I could see that being a pretty good outlet.
Yeah I do like watching them and listening to them. I should just try going out without a camera. Haha I have a macro lens I have done a small amount of bug and flower photography with, but haven’t done much in years.
Continuing to not go out since I don’t want to add to the pile of unedited vacation photos from six months ago
Photography? Good. Lots of opportunities to take photos of the kiddos with the fresh snow.
Sharing photos on the fediverse? Not as good. Time is very limited and by the time the kids are asleep I am off doing other things and/or vegging. I do want to try to help nurture the community, but the OC I want to post deserves a little commentary and… yeah, time is tight :(