You can’t leave me hanging like this! Has this happened in New Zeland ??!?
What’s a New Zealand? Lazyiest hoax country, first they give it the name of a Danish island, then when someone points out Denmark didn’t have colonies in the Pacific, they come up with a BS excuse it’s a misspelling of Zeeland because it was named by the Dutch, and then they forget to include it in 90% of the maps. Most incompetent conspiracy ever.
If New Zealand was real, it would be on the map.
I’m sad to see Sydney is also imaginary
Do we have a ‘maps without NZ’ page?
that’s just all maps.
It has happened in Poland. Is Zealand another name for Poland?
See the map for New Zealand.
I don’t think I’m getting the joke
New Zealand could also be in red, but since it’s cropped out we can’t know for sure.
I don’t know what you’re talking about
At this point, IDK if you’re just trolling. But in case you’re not:
The post shows a map, on which countries that shipped mines to IKEA are colored in red, specifically Poland. But the map is cropped, and as the result New Zealand (it’s a country that is too the east of Australia) cropped out and not visible.
The joke implies that New Zealand could also have shipped mines to IKEA. Since it’s hypothetically possible that New Zealand is also colored red (like Poland), due to it being cropped out (not visible on the map), we can’t be sure that it didn’t ship mines to IKEA.
Never heard of it. I’m not seeing Atlantis on the map either.
TIL there’s a giant, ring shaped country in Europe that has coastlines in the Baltic, North Sea, Mediterranean and Black Sea
We don’t talk about the Ring
That we know of.
Somewhere at a random big box store
Stock Room Employee: “WTF is this? Oh well. Not my problem.” Chucks landmine into trash compactor
Why is there a thin circular country around Europe?
It’s a particle accelerator
“boss, I took those disc things and fixed all the wobbly tables in the food court.”
that was table tennis table
This is absolutely outrageous. As an American I should have the right to buy land mines at an IKEA too. I mean I don’t know what I’d use them for, but unlike guns, I don’t need to be a good shot in order to use them. Maybe I could go deer hunting LMAO
Yes, but is it a bullpup?
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