Lasting peace is an illusion - President Pavel
it’s called dielectric mirror, this type of mirror can be made to be extremely effective over narrow range of wavelengths and it’s used in lasers for this reason. this is also the only way to manipulate extreme UV (13nm tin source, used in EUV semiconductor manufacturing)
similar effect is responsible for blue color of some butterflies and feathers that don’t contain blue pigment
lots of lucky stars, just not for them
i had no idea these things could do that
mine is clearly visible but there’s also just a lot of trash so maybe that’s why it was ignored. magnetic influence fuze maybe? normal sized AT mine would shred this thing immediately, so it’s probably some AP mine? some unholy DIY contraption?
i think that’s the plot of Tenet (2020)
that type of cringe editing is a thing for this group, for reasons unknown
that assault is definitely something, but i also remember similar situation that ended up with something closer to 15 dead russians after they were unloaded right in front of trench from two ifvs. in that case one of these vehicles were also hit with antitank weapon
you would have to ask the Touareg militia, but it seems to be Soviet song “Священная война” (Sacred War) basically a second Soviet anthem during WW2. maybe they wanted to put there an Ukrainian war song of some sort as Ukrainians aided them, and there’s a photo of some of these militia members and foreign operatives (blurred, but white) with Ukrainian flag. oopsie
isn’t that a bit too vertical for it to be a JDAM-ER?
i think i’ve seen that before
they had only 6 of these, 3 are visible in video. so that means at least 3 worked, or more realistically 3 worked. now 2
round pizza makes logistics inefficient
i understand that these are mass manufactured 7" drones made from standard components. commercial cloverleaf antenna, motors + blades, frames are sometimes bought and sometimes 3d-printed. battery pack, electronics, and of course payload are custom. there are also drones that use completely nonstandard bands for control and video, this is useful against jammers and if you’re printing your own boards, changing bands to something weird takes zero effort
with what looks like bulgarian variant of OG-7V warhead
so it seems, that drone probably isn’t even using frequencies that that jammer emits (probably it’s against small fpv drones, so we’re talking about 2.4ghz, 5ghz wifi bands + 1.6 ghz gps and maybe some others) but also it’s fixed wing so it’ll just glide to the target on its own
russians regularly launch cruise missiles over caspian sea during combined strikes on targets in ukraine. there’s enough range in them and over there, large bombers are safe
this is closest to dogfight that can happen in Ukraine
that flag was irl dropped by a drone
there were rumors of nk soldiers being sent to russia soon, but no solid proof yet
bald french man said once that factories, schools, barracks, hospitals are prisons so maybe self-host that instead?