If you want to get into some free gaming history, one thing I noticed is there are a lot of community projects maintaining the more popular games on MyAbandonWare.
Check the links and comments on the game page and do some research online about any game you want to download.
The games I’ve downloaded from MyAbandonWare have been fine, but they’ve been original rips of the CDs with only a few cracks and patches. Sometimes they just crash on startup or are missing some dependency.
The more popular games have maintained versions made to work on newer hardware with better resolutions.
There are downloads of all the Need For Speed games on MyAbandonWare on other sites with mods and updates preinstalled to work better on current systems. The same goes for games like the No One Lives Forever series, Tribes, Midtown Madness, and the original Silent Hill 2.
There’s even projects for other free games like Marathon, Bungiee’s FPS before Halo. Marathon is free on Steam now as well, but you can play it off platform on more systems through the community maintained freeware version.
These are also great ways to play older games without needing to use an emulator, so you can play them without the resource overhead of later emulators because you’re running a native version or at least a port of the game instead.
That way you only need to worry about compatibility mode or trying to get games working through WINE for obscure titles that don’t work and have no support.
How do you deal with malware?
I haven’t encountered any yet. I tried some games years ago on a windows laptop and found nothing, and I’m trying again on a Linux laptop now and it’s all still fine.
Community projects should be fine as they’re trying to make the best versions of those games, and there is a bit of moderation on MyAbandonWare. Since the games are so old, they’ve usually been on the website for years and undergone some updates or new versions uploaded
Forgive me, but you are describing a hackers smorgasbord. Might I be so bold as to suggest that security through obscurity is not secure in any way.
To give you a sense, it takes 5 minutes to scan the entire internet: https://thechief.io/c/editorial/how-to-scan-the-internet-in-5-minutes/
Edit: Not to mention the shitshow that is Microsoft Windows: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2025/01/microsoft-happy-2025-heres-161-security-updates/
Edit 2: Here’s an example of this happening today: https://thehackernews.com/2025/01/hackers-hide-malware-in-images-to.html
There are downloads of all the Need For Speed games on MyAbandonWare on other sites with mods and updates preinstalled to work better on current systems.
I need to try if their version of Porsche Unleashed will actually work on a modern system.
That should be one of the games you can find all modded out and ready to run if you do a little internet research
That’s probably the one I’m thinking of. I heard it’s deep in the lore for an old school shooter so I’m keen to check it out
sonic r is there, i remember playing it as a kid from a youtube video containing sonic games in a zip file. how the fuck didn’t i get a virus at the time. it was the version with no music
also mario teaches typing is there lol