If you want to see a real credit score, try buying a house if you forgot to pay your cellphone bill once six years ago.
“I’m sorry, asking what your credit score is makes your credit score drop 30 points. No, you’re not allowed to see the algorithms we use to determine your credit score either.”
Paying off a debt also lowers your credit score too! I lost 80 god damn points for paying down my student loans!
I forgot about that lol. I finally got debt free assuming my score would go up and it just tanked.
Nah, score is all about how much/goof of a debt slave you are.
So it’s entirely built off of you always having some debt not about if you pay it
I know nothing directly about American credit scores, but I’ve always thought that it actually makes sense (in a capitalist society trying to make a profit) to give higher scores (and thus more loans with less risk) to those most likely to end up overpaying. So taking loans, paying interest on them, and always paying the minimum to lengthen the time that you provide profits to the creditor is the best way to max score.
This makes perfect sense. The fact that this score is used to distribute resources instead of just calculating likelihood of paying back/likelihood of profit is what makes this huge contradiction arise. But the scores make perfect sense for being bad when you are “responsible”. The score is how profitable it is to loan you money.
It makes sense, the credit score is a measure of how much money banks and other financial institutions think they can extract from you. Doing things that minimize your total payments loses them money, and so those things lose you points.
utilization baybeee
I’m not going to complain that rednote is deprograming some burgerbrains but these are questions answered by a simple google search.
when i search “does china have a social credit system?” the ai result says that it does lol
but honestly there’s so much propaganda relating to that one, if you look at a glance at the non-ai results it still looks like they have it. plus americans think of it as a common sense thing to know so im not super surprised they would never think to google it
If they google it they’re just going to get results from Fox News or WSJ or some other hitlerite news outlet telling them chyna is in fact 1984 tinyman square oppressing their citizens with social credit score.
you expect burgerbrains to do their own research?
It goes to show the level of propaganda and how effective it is on Treatlers that they can’t even be bothered to google it.
Burgers only “do their own research” when it comes to quackery, not actual real things.
honkies can’t read or research things
they get all their positions from absorbing the vibes of those around them
People won’t believe this kind of stuff unless they ask it directly to another person.
one of the most difficult things as a neuroatypical person that i had to grapple with in my adult life
How many days until the new American propaganda line becomes “all of these Chinese posters have to say these things to propagandize America” as if every single thing that happens on the planet is for Americans
T-Minus what 15 minutes maybe? They’re just going to say these are Xi-Bots paid to make China look good. Your average anglo is too comfortable in their bubble of fart lies about CHYNA
I will say this does prove the US government line that Americans using Chinese apps is bad for national security. Hard to keep your population blinded by ridiculous propaganda when they can just see for themselves it’s not true. So that’s kind of ironic and funny.
ooh now there’s a fun new word
I’m full of them
'Tis my curse as a writer and general funnyman
please use another fun new word in a sentence
The young woman’s pulchritude was both great and terrible
now that’s one i wouldn’t’ve been able to guess from context alone
They’ve been saying this about the DPRK for decades at this point. There are “”“ghost cities”“”" where the buildings are fake and people pretend to live/work there and they all lie about it online even though nobody has internet or actual homes and th–
I really hope this has lasting impact on USians, but I’m not holding my breath just yet.
I get the jist, but even though I haven’t had to do any in years, man do I remember how much homework sucks ass
Yhea, as a kid, you already spend 7 hours at school, and the have to do Homework on top of that…
Is school in kkkrakkkerland 7 hours? Holy shit
From beginning to end, it’s actually closer to 8 hours. And if you count transportation it’s often around 9 thanks to the car blight.
Sorry I did not see the notifications, I’m Mexican, but I used to arrive at school at 7 and leave at 2 pm 2 days at 1:30 2 other days and at 1 the other day usually wensday or Friday. so more or less. that was just until 8th grade, then the last year of middle school and highschool was from 8 to 1 much more reasonable.
I always had 8-14, and then two days a week of 8-15 since 11th
And I never had class on Saturdays, I know some countries/schools do it (that’s fucking horrible, poor kids)
Interesting, things got better for us but worse for you in highschool.
We didn’t have classes on Saturdays, but in jihg school, school clubs were obligatory and those were on Saturdays, and sometimes afternoons, but those were a lot of fun.
Yeah, is 7 hours short or long relative to where you are?
It’s long. Over here it’s like 8-14
some days we got out before noon
It’s authoritarian to not let your kids drive you into bankruptcy buying skibidi toilet skins for their Fortnite avatar.