to elaborate: ive seen more than one comment on hexbear say something along the lines of “so dems could have stopped this all along, at any time???”
and like… yes. we’ve known this since about a month in, there’s been story after story about an amerikkkan president deciding enough is enough, phoning the isr*eli PM and the entity stopping immediately. iirc, fucking regan of all people stopped them from continuing to bomb beirut!!! The dems havent done this because whatever is left of who joe biden used to be is still clearly a true believer in zionism, and he filled his cabinet with those like him such as blinken who are just as unwilling to put a leash on isr*el. where is this disbelief coming from? it reminds me of when people try and finger wag at rags like the New York CrimeSS and say “they’ve fallen so far” like no man western journalists have always been little lying hitlerites and they always will be until the capitalist west falls, there’s no degradation in moral character you’re just aware of it now. anyways rant over bye bye
*I should clarify we need to wait and see if this ceasefire actually holds. however, if you look at the past, if a president actually puts their foot down, it certainly seems like it will
the ceasefire happening now means they decided it would have been bad for them in the election
which means that they allowed genocide for months bc of da polls
absolute ghouls
demokkkrats are supposed to be the “lesser evil btw” lol
Nah. They’re true believers that allowing the genocide to continue is the right thing to do.
I don’t think any of our long-time comrades on the bear site is genuinely confused, I feel those comments come more from a place of trying to get the talking points in order when we start agitating the libs about it
One the one hand it would be great to get libs to abandon the Democratic party. On the other hand these people have already demonstrated they can excuse a genocide. There’s maybe a small contingent that genuinely thought Biden couldn’t end it with a phone call and can be snapped out of their liberalism, but the rest feel like lost causes to me tbh
If the Democratic party did not exist, American liberals would invent one.
maybe. to be honest ive been drinking so its entirely possible i missed the subtext lol
gotta cope with my dad’s dementia somehow
In the same boat. FTD.
sorry you’re having to go thru that too comrade, it sucks
it reminds me of when people try and finger wag at rags like the New York CrimeSS
at least it was just a
and not one of us
yeah tbf as far as the painting of western journalists as uwu small bean writers i’ve seen it way way more on twitter/reddit than here, i guess luckily we shit on western journalists enough here that’s become part of the site culture lol
Doesn’t seem that strange given all the stuff Trump said. We all knew Biden and Harris would let it continue since they were demonstrating that, but didn’t trump say he would do even more “for Is[n’t]real” than Biden?
I don’t think anyone on here really thought that the US gov had its hands tied or was really innocently failing at getting a ceasefire signed.
I don’t think it is unusual to be suprised ideology shift in the parties. Democrats are now the party of neoliberal bloodthirsty monsters. Republicans are now less bloodthirsty. It used to be other way around.
i dont think it’s really an ideological shift. i think they are both equally bloodthirsty, i just think the biden administration is uniquely zionist because biden has been the most outspoken pro zionist politican for decades. im not 100% sure how much of it is belief in israel as an unsinkable aircraft carrier (see “the united states would have to invent an isr*el” speech") vs religious conviction (biden is supposedly a devout catholic, and while i am pretty sure they dont have the same beliefs about the rapture as evangelicals, im sure they still have some religious beliefs surrounding isr*el). ultimately my opinion is that its much more religious than ideological at this point, they already have so many other client states in the region (egypt, jordan, gulf states aside from yemen, etc.) that the steadfast support for the entity that the biden administration begins to appear nearly irrational to me, because they could cut isr*el adrift and still control the region imo