Some people, of course, answer questions respectfully, which I’m grateful about. However, there are many people who just respond with stuff like “What a stupid question. I hope you die you fat bitch. Of course it’s people like you who ask stupid questions like this. You don’t know anything, shut up and die.”

If you ask anything about politics, for example, someone will say something like “I hope you die, liberal. You don’t know anything about politics, stop assuming shit you fat bitch. Liberals are stupid and so are you.”

Answers like these aren’t at ALL relevant to the question, a lot of them who say not to assume things are ironically assuming things about the person who asked. I’ve also noticed that a lot of people with such responses often have the most responses and show up as people to ask on that topic, as well as a few of them having on their bio “I’m so smart”. Sure, but your responses do not make you sound that way.

Don’t get me wrong, not everyone is like this, and I will get a respectful response or two, but 80% of the answers are stuff like this. I’ve seen quite a few responses from these assholes saying that women are the Devil’s spawn and whatnot, so I’m gonna assume these are trolls, but when they make up so much of the responses, it’s annoying as hell.

And no, people on Quora, I’m not just upset with people who disagree with me. The problem isn’t that they disagree, it’s that they’re being assholes.

    2 months ago

    My thought is well adjusted, happy people, dont have time for trolling nonsense. While those types you mention have all day (no life) to dish out negativity on a site they think makes them look smart.