• aeronmelon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Back in his day, he was the king of Mario and he was the cool kid at school and all the girls sat with him at lunch.

    “I’m old, and I’m not happy!” - Angry Old Man, SNL

    Mario Odyssey seemed weird to me when I started playing. Not the controls or the difficulty curve, the look and feel. The juxtaposition of Mario and all the related Nintendo characters and objects with a super realistic depiction of an alternate Earth made me wonder where this idea came from.

    But the more I’ve played it, the more natural it feels, as strange as that is. The controls are so precise and reliable. There are parts that frustrate me, but if I work at them I eventually overcome whatever obstacle it was. Now I find myself just thinking about it fondly and wanted to jump back in and redo parts I enjoyed.

    It’s on the same level as Wonder for me. Wonder for being the best example of traditional and contemporary Mario, and Odyssey for throwing all the rules out the window and still feeling like a Mario game.

    Maybe Abe Simpson should get a pro controller.