People who go to China end up loving it and I’ve yet to see a review from someone who went there and hated it. In contrast, sellout Hong Kongers who go to their much vaunted UK come away miserable and seeing no future, regretting they can’t return home.

The contrast on videos of everyone who goes there and is amazed vs the sellout HKer videos who end up with nothing and no future in the UK is hilarious and telling.

If you like China so much why don’t you move there? Don’t mind if I do!

But if you like the UK so much and you do move there, my condolences and much lols. You deserve what you get.

(Alternative link)

    2 months ago

    i suspect that my own story will be like hers in a few years from now when i emigrate to the periphery of the american empire; so i only have self-serving empathy for her and i wish i could understand what she’s saying.