- Bebop: Hook T1 reduced from 30% more weapon damage to 25%
- Bebop: Exploding Uppercut T2 reduced from +60% weapon damage to +50%
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb damage reduced from 120 to 110
- Bebop: Sticky Bomb T2 reduced from +80 Damage to +75
- Calico: Bullet Damage increased from 2 to 2.2
- Calico: Leaping Slash Radius increased from 4m to 4.5m
- Calico: Leaping Slash T2 damage increased from +50 to +75
- Calico: Ava now destroys breakables it runs through
- Calico: Ava T2 increased from 25% movespeed to 35%
- Holliday: Bullet damage growth increased from 1.5 to 1.7
- Holliday: Power Keg T2 reduced from 140 to 120
- Holliday: Crackshot now triggers on units. Uses half cooldown when triggered this way.
- Holliday: Crackshot damage reduced from 75 to 60
- Holliday: Crackshot spirit scaling increased from 1 to 1.2
- Holliday: Crackshot T2 increased from 75 to 85
- Holliday: Crackshot T3 now also has -2s on creeps
- Holliday: Fixed Crackshot applying Slowing Hex’s anti-teleport debuff
- Holliday: Spirit Lasso T2 duration increased from +0.5 to +0.75
- Holliday: Fixed height on damage from Bounce Pad sometimes causing it to not hurt heroes on your lasso
- Kelvin: Health increased from 600 to 650
- Mirage: Fire Scarabs Max Health Steal reduced from 75 to 50
- Mirage: Fire Scarabs Max Health Steal spirit scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.4
- Shiv: Bullet Damage reduced from 5.7 to 5.5
- Shiv: Slice and Dice damage reduced from 110 to 100
- Shiv: Slice and Dice T2 reduced from +70 to +60
- Shiv: Slice and Dice spirit scaling increased from 1.3 to 1.55
- Shiv: Bloodletting deferred damage duration reduced from 13s to 12s
- Shiv: Bloodletting cooldown increased from 50s to 60s
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Rabbit Hex movespeed increased from 25% to 35%
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Rabbit Hex can no longer be applied to Unstoppable
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Rabbit Hex now triggers Reactive Barrier
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Fixed Debuff Reducer not working on Rabbit
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Teleporting now drops the Urn
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Vexing Bolt base damage reduced from 120 to 110
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Spectral Assistant base cooldown increased from 30s to 40s
- The Magnificent Sinclair: Spectral Assistant base duration decreased from 8s to 6s
- Vindicta: Movespeed reduced from 9 to 8
- Vindicta: Bullet Velocity reduced from 810 to 740
- Vyper: Bullet Damage decreased from 9 to 7
- Vyper: Move Speed reduced from 7.3 to 7.0
- Vyper: Lethal Venom Max Damage reduced from 200 to 180
- Vyper: Slither T3 spirit and bullet resist while sliding reduced from +30% to +25%
- Wraith: Card Trick spirit scaling reduced from 1.1 to 0.9
- Wraith: Card Trick cooldown increased from 0.65 to 0.75
- Wraith: Card Trick summon rate from non-heroes reduced from 0.35 to 0.25
- Wraith: Telekinesis silence and disarm duration increased from 2.5s to 3s
- Wraith: Telekinesis cast delay reduced from 0.4s to 0.3s
- Wraith: Telekinesis up/down motion now lasts 0.25s longer and moves a little bit higher
- Yamato: Bullet damage growth reduced from 0.27 to 0.24
- All heroes base gun damage and growth reduced by 10% (numbers listed above are before this global reduction)
- Extra Stamina: Fire Rate reduced from 5% to 4%
- Alchemical Fire: Reduced from -40% Effectiveness vs non-heroes to -50%
- Alchemical Fire: Weapon Damage in radius reduced from +50% to +40%
- Hunter’s Aura: Bullet Resist Reduction reduced from -9% to -8%
- Hunter’s Aura: Fire Rate Slow increased from -9% to -10%
- Sharpshooter: Weapon Damage reduced from 30% to 20%
- Sharpshooter: Movespeed penalty increased from -0.5 to -1

  • simple@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Yeah I also laughed when it’s put in-between small changes. Seems like it would bring TTK down a lot.