• sumguyonline@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    All you need to know about investing in Donald j trump investment vehicles:

    1. Ryan Cohen a known extreme trump supporter endorsed Donald J Trump within days of crashing the short interest on GameStop Stock by selling billions in shares for cash he did not need as he already had nearly 1 billion saved. He did this to be timed with when the shorts were going to start buying. He betrayed every single one of his long term investors for thieves shorting companies illegally, then turned around and endorsed Donald Drumpf on X(itter). This is Donnie’s game plan, and every single one of his billionaire supporters game plan for how the next 4 yrs is going to go. Do not invest in anything even remotely related to Donald J Trump. It’s more than likely a ponzi scheme, even the viable businesses are just going to pump and dump then leave you holding the bags.