Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
No need to jump on the defensive again, seagoon. I was answering a question, not attacking your beliefs.
It just came across as patronising that’s all. Listen, some people are really hurt by what trump has said today. It’s just best to leave it and move on. Plus it was bloody hot and everybody’s grumpy.
Yeah, sorry CEO. Thanks for the advice (not sure if it’s really advice, but I’m not sure what else to call it. I do appreciate it, though). And it has indeed been a toasty one today