So as you may know , I have a post titled “questions for DPRK diplomat”
And that’s cool and all ,sadly we’ll have to wait a bit to get most of these questions answered however ,one of them was answered and it’s making me laugh so hard 😂
When asked about his favorite international dish
He answered “I like the hamburger due to the contrasting textures and flavors of the meat and bread, especially when grilled to different variations.”
And that’s just making me laugh because of how westerners make fun of the DPRK 😭
His least favorite international dish is pizza btw
“I personally dislike pizza as afterword I do not feel my personal best.”
Lol this describes the experience of eating too much pizza too well.
I feel this way any time I get mcdonalds because a group decided that’s what we’re eating during an outing or whatever. Enjoy the food then feel like rubbish after.
When I used to work on the road I would get mcdonalds basically daily, always felt like shit immediately after
Important note: Lots of asians are lactose intolerant. Might wanna warn him to avoid cheese its not common in a lot of asian dishes and he might not even KNOW hes lactose intolerant.
Yeah I’ll tell him that ,thanks
Nobody can be perfect unfortunately…
It is very hard to enjoy pizza regularly when you’re lactose intolerant like most of the world. As much as I miss a good ole authentic pizza Margherita here in China, it’s probably a terrible idea to expose the populace to full lactose, full moisture mozzarella.
The Pizza Hut cheese here is also somewhat different to those used in the west, it’s equally shit. Also fuck Gorbachev.
Fuck sometimes I forget my yakubian stomach can absorb horrors the human mind was not meant to comprehend
I am lactose intolerant and I dont really get bloated from Margherita - Quattro formaggi is another thing ahaha. But since I was basically forced to eat lactose heavy foods since infancy I cant really say that it can be extrapolated to a chinese audience.
I feel that in my soul. Greasy ass bullshit food.
Italians gonna get mad after you hear this