u ever?
Definitely. I know it’s fashionable these days to be like “can I surprise you? despite being left wing, I dislike left wing music”, but who wouldn’t want to belt out Solidarity Forever or Bread and Roses with some comrades
90% of the music I listen to is communist. every other song gets boring when I listen to it the second time, but this doesn’t apply to left wing music and at this point there are songs I’ve listened to hundreds of times and still completely love. maybe because it just has meaning? i’m not sure.
I don’t think I listen to it that much but I do keep coming back to the union hall standards, and they definitely hit harder because the lyrics have meaning that never gets old. The feeling I get is almost religious, which makes sense as most of those songs were repurposed hymns!
Also noteworthy that RATM lyrics still sound as fresh as the day they were written, and ‘the rubble of what used to be a library/line up to the mind cemetery’ gives me chills every time
Like…. Communist singing together? Depends, do you mean punk rock or church style?
Highly recommend. Singing workers’ songs together goes hard.
every time I hear the Internationale pretty much