Cloyster is unobtainable for me. I cannot pull it from packs, I cannot snipe it from wonder picks. I am not allowed to have Cloyster.
I can’t seem to get froakie…
Ivysaur completely evades me, as did weezing until a couple days ago when I pulled 2 full-art in one pack
Weezing is the last diamond-rarity card I’m missing from Mewtwo packs (but I have 2 full-art copies). Honestly those 3♢ cards sometimes seem more rare than exs or full-art cards.
Mother fucking helix fossil. I have 9 dome fossils. I have 22 old ambers. I had to point buy my single helix fossil.
That’s a weird one. I’m still resisting using pack points until I see how well I can fill on the gaps through trading (I was originally saving to get to 1250 points for a 2 star card, but I don’t think that’s realistic any more)
Genetic Apex: Dewgong
Mythical Island: Magikarp
It’s the only ones I’m missing in the ◊ and ◊◊ ratings. I figure they’ll pop eventually. I know the company is probably boosting the pull rates for the pretty cards to pull people in and get more whales on the platform.
Magikarp’s a really surprising one - I thought that MI cards were generally easier to get because it’s smaller than any of the GA packs. I actually wanted to try out using Dewgong in a deck the other day (I’ve seen it only once in pvp), but I have 3 Dewgongs but only 1 Seel, so I couldn’t really do it.