Big read, but gives a good perspective.

I think theres three big stories of this coming election.

  1. The rebalancing of metro v regional votes.
  2. Liberals progress clawing back traditional Liberal seats could indicate how satisfied West Australians are with WA Labor.
  3. Independent Challengers in western suburbs could indicate dissatisfaction with both majors for different and complicated reasons.
    2 months ago

    People who just publish a link are annoying

    First, just posting a link is completely normal behaviour on Lemmy. OP is a Lemmy user posting on Lemmy according to Lemmy norms. Anybody on other platforms who doesn’t like that…🤷‍♂️

    But second, they didn’t “just publish a link”. They published a link along with nearly 400 characters worth of personal opinion. It’s not their fault Mastodon fails to display this properly, and yes, it’s extremely arrogant to expect OP to take any action to remedy it. Nor would I put the blame on a Mastodon user if they shared an image in the comments under a Lemmy post, or shared two or more images in a post they submitted to a Lemmy community, both things that will not display on Lemmy. Instead, I would just go and temporarily view things from their instance using the rainbow pentagon fediverse logo or the “open original page” menu item, and then get on with my day.

    People who publish a link that you can’t follow

    I have no idea why you keep saying you can’t follow it. I visited your Mastodon instance in an incognito window, clicked the link, and had no trouble getting to the original ABC article. No log-in required at any stage. If you’re having trouble following it, that sounds like a problem specific to you.

    If you don’t like this, then block OP. Block all Lemmy users you come across. Or open an Issue on the Mastodon GitHub (or better yet, fix it yourself and create a Pull Request) to improve the handling of this edge case. But coming here whinging about something nobody here can do anything about is completely un-constructive. Coming here saying you’re going to block OP if they don’t stop (despite them doing…precisely nothing wrong) is like when people whinge in the YouTube comments and say “that’s it…I’m unsubscribing”. Nobody cares bro. Just do it, or don’t. Either way, it doesn’t need to be announced.