This release polishes different aspects of the UI. The main changes are to improve contrast in various parts of the app for both light and dark themes.
Full changelog
- Added a setting to disable the text preview icon for certain post feed views.
- Added support for haptic feedback on action buttons in the post feed/post screen.
- Added a setting to enable/disable haptic feedback.
- Fixed a bug where shadow is cut off from the link button in a post.
- Experimental: Added special support for links.
- Improved the contrast for the search bar in light themes.
- Changed some image thumbnails to be rounded and also have a slight border for contrast.
It should work for the entire row of actions on any post or comment in the post screen or Post feed. If there’s anything in particular you’d like me to add haptics on please let me know.
By the way haptics is not enabled by default. To enable it go to Settings > Misc > Haptics.
Yeah unfortunately it does not work for me. I have switched it off from the settings. I’m on Android 15, Pixel 8 pro.
I would also like if it was working for the gestures like upvote downvote etc.
You have to switch it on. Not off. Also haptic feedback should already work for gestures. Maybe you’ve turned them off system wide somehow?
Sorry I meant I had switched it on not off. Does not work on my phone, neither gestures nor action buttons. I tested again on Voyager app and they work there, so no probs with systemwide function. Maybe wait for some more feedback from other users?
I think one action item I should add is check if the system setting for haptic feedback is on when a user turns haptics on and alert the user is haptics is not enabled in the system settings.
Ugh what a mess. Apparently Google removed the ability to check if haptics is on in Android 13 because they didn’t want apps to be able to set the value because the mechanism to set or check the value are the same. Then they just never added the functionality to check the system haptics state back so I can’t even tell whether haptics is enabled system wide from the app :(
I just tested on the play store version on 3 devices:
It worked on all 3 devices. Note that there is a way to fire off haptic feedback even if you turn it off in the system settings. Summit does not use this method. It’s possible other apps are firing haptics by ignoring the system setting.
The settings for haptic I have is to vibrate on all actions of the phone (not talking about Summit) like back open close apps etc. So when this is on then yes I have vibration in Summit as well but in every action even if the haptics in the Summit settings is off. So it’s not that. Dunno if it’s a GrapheneOS setting which I doubt since it works in Voyager app. Strange…
For haptics, I am purposefully respecting the user’s global settings for vibrations (this is also recommended by Android’s documentation). So if haptics is off, then haptics will not work in the app. However there is a way to ignore the system setting. I’m not 100% sure if that’s what Voyager is doing but it could explain why haptics works even if haptics is off.