for me its dragon ball z. i’ve always wanted a good 3d open world dbz action rpg kind of game, but it’s just never been done to its full potential. the closest we’ve gotten in my opinion is dragon ball z kakarot, which has great DBZ fighting game style fighting, and tries to incorporate it with an open world with rpg-light type features, but the world and rpg elements are just so uninspired and poorly done. they don’t really blend well with the fighting segments either, it feels like all of the ‘open world’ is more of just a 3d overworld with minigames

  • JayTreeman [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Multiple properties need an RPG that takes place before or after the main events. Keep the stakes relatively low. Meet characters that might show up in the future, but not any of the main cast. Also making sure that you can’t become too powerful, so there’s no reason the main characters wouldn’t hear of you. More escape vs power fantasy. This could work really well with a Dragonball or atlab, or even a marvel mutants type thing. I just want to exist in the universe.