It appears the US congress has just proposed (edited) a bill that declares “Antifa” a terrorist organization.

This doesn’t even make sense as Antifa isn’t an organization, but just a shared name for anyone that self-identifies as a person opposed to and willing to fight fascism 🤦‍♂️

Stay safe out there!

Note: SLRPNK is an EU based service and we are openly Antifa here, and proudly so!

    1 month ago

    Antifa is like communism. Hitler is a communist and thus is evil until he is a smart man whose symbols we should revere and have streets named after him, then he is a nationalist who was assaulted by Poland and had to defend himself and whom the French and British suddenly and unjustly declared war on and claimed that Germans must be exterminated.

    ‘We cannot rest until the sound of the German language is still heard around the platter we call earth.’ Neville Chamberlin.

    You probably realized that most of the stuff I wrote is deliberate bullshit. But there have been so many real examples of stuff written like that (fake quotes, strings of events that were either invented or skewed so badly they cease to resemble reality) that this is what a ‘debate’ with a fascist looks like. We’ve seen it with the whole Haitians are eating cats and dogs. That shit came out of nowhere and despite Kamala rightly laughing at it, people ate it all up and believed it.

    Then they will accuse their opponents of being stupid and believing it… until they start to say it is real again when it is convenient. Pathological lying is a feature, not a bug.