The US rulers have always been a delusional lot. This is not new, it’s just becoming more obvious as the Empire reaches its end.

Anyway here’s James Randi easily proving Uri Geller to be a fraud

The ruling class and their cronies are not rational, they’re irrational capitalists that see the world in a similar way to how British monarchs in the dark ages did. That makes them even more dangerous to me, because they are in charge of power that they don’t understand.

  • Enjoyer_of_Games [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I’ve changed my mind this dude rocks

    Due to his fluency in Italian, Pell was assigned as a civil affairs officer in Sicily, where he became ill from drinking unpasteurized milk.

    When Briggs called him a “creampuff” during their 1966 campaign, Pell turned that to his advantage and mocked Briggs by obtaining an endorsement from a local baker’s union.

    at the conclusion of a meeting with Fidel Castro, Pell took Castro’s cigar because he thought it was a gift for him.