This evening my uncle messaged me to let me know that Moms Across America commissioned testing that found glyphosate and heavy metal contamination in Girl Scout cookies. To be fair, he did just buy some from my kid (no refunds!) and I understand the concern about food contamination, but something is off. What’s the deal with Moms Across America? Why is their CEO a vaccine skeptic hoping to get hired by RFK Jr.? It seems like an organic food/anti-vax lobbying organization, but I wonder if there’s more to it than that. Is she just that effective as an individual mom influencer?

Edit: the screenshot isn’t uploading correctly, so I changed it to a link to the Pixelfed post I originally made.

  • CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.workOP
    2 months ago

    I saw your previous comment and I appreciate you digging into it! To be clear, I don’t have a special affinity to Girl Scouts of America and I agree that the cookies probably are contaminated, although not enough to really matter. It’s just a fun activity for my kid. If my uncle or whoever doesn’t want to give them money that’s fine. I just don’t want it to be because he was influenced by some organization with an ulterior motive. I don’t think it’s really about the cookies.