Most people do not read the article link that’s posted. So I put an AI summary of the link as a comment, but as a spoiler so if you don’t want to engage with it you don’t have to and also the full article so people can more accessibly read the article. Also as a spoiler so it doesn’t take up a full page of a comment. It got removed by a mod as AI slop.

I could use AI on a headline and you would never know the difference. I could just say it’s my own summary also probably wouldn’t know the difference. Punishing people for being transparent about using LLMs who are not forcing the reader to engage with them is a net positive and a good practice to teach. The opposite is people still use them and just pretend they aren’t.

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    2 months ago

    a thing some of don’t like

    which we’re not allowing on this forum. we’re not free-speech radicals, this is a site that embodies a politic. we have real political stances which we enforce as a general standard of conduct here based on broader consensus among ourselves. we’re also taking an iron fist to, say, suggestions that forceful imposition of “western values” is the solution to reactionary tendencies in peripheral countries–an idea that a notable amount of self-identified ‘progressives’ support, but we don’t tolerate on this forum. you’re talking about it as if LLMs are in an apolitical vacuum and don’t exacerbate real labor problems and real environmental problems and real exploitation around the world.

    this isn’t a very-intelligent you have iphone yet you exist situation–you are making a conscious choice to use it and you can stop at any time. it is a service. it provides no real value that cannot be filled with human thought. if we find that real value, then it merely has that and none more. it is a service that we have lived without until 2022, and–likely–a plurality, if not majority, continue to do as such. it is built on the non-consensual theft of the labor of all who have been preserved on the internet and is maintained by exploitation of the poor in the periphery. it is being used as justification to shepherd in draconian natsec clamps and chauvinist trade policies, and its use has festered a notable acceleration of environmental damage due to its inefficiencies and compute power necessary. the development of it is bankrolled by individuals that seek to use it as a springboard to have a final cutting of ties with the rest of humanity from their profit mode. it is notoriously unreliable and has an entire industry-established term for its tendency for misinformation. consistent usage of it results in the degradation/atrophying of internal processing, prior-held skills, and critical thinking (and once again, to note w/rt this, it has notoriously unreliable output) due to said functions being outsourced to it over time. it also fucking sucks at writing and its output is annoying to read when viewed by anyone who has a functional internal metric for it, no matter if they do detect its ‘author.’ its use is not mandated neither by broader consensus among the general population nor literally mandated in any capacity. just because you personally deem these acceptable doesn’t mean we have to tolerate you nor any other subjecting us to it.

    your arguments seem to be coming from the fact that you cannot comprehend the disconnect between your position and the site’s position here, but we are not changing the site’s position merely because you refuse to engage with the multitude of points people are bringing up and just want it that way. tough shit, I guess.