Some members have been assembling a list of families needing to lay low given the recent dragnet operations being executed by ICE. We currently have some families out of New York, Florida, and California we have contacts for, all with young children. Since work is no longer a safe place for them to be, we’re looking for help raising money for rent, food, utilities, etc and also for plane tickets for those who have arrangements elsewhere.
Anything helps. This site has come through for so many people and I know the mutual aid community has had a lot of people needing help lately, but I’m hoping we can provide these families some relief as well.
Venmo is @Linnea-Carlson-3
Don’t keep lists anywhere that will could possibly get raided or anywhere in cloud storage.
This might seem obvious but I’m just saying.
Thank you this is a good point and I’ll pass that on. The tech for this sort of work is severely lacking, unfortunately. There aren’t any purpose-built applications for leftist organizing afaik and I’ve so far failed to find a group willing to take things seriously enough to act as the first to dogfood a prototype.