Channel your inner Beaver and build some dams out of the shop rags.
Lol. Swapping parts is already the longest step, I don’t need to triple cycle time for a couple holes.
For 2 quick holes like this it wouldn’t be worth it, but I used run a few different parts that extended thru the machine, and would magnet a plastic shower curtain to the inside of the machine so I could continue using coolant.
Oh that is a good idea. We do have an open style toolroom mill that doesn’t see much use anymore, but it has coolant and the last guy made all sorts of plastic deflectors.
For those of us who don’t know what’s happening here, would you explain it like I’m five?
They have a window on the side of the machine enclosure open so they can fit a long workpiece in it. If they turned on the coolant it would end up spraying some outside the machine and make a mess.
Recently ran some parts hanging out of the machine. So much mopping afterword :P SMH
Ever tried to deflect coolant with the airhose ? :D
I’ve deflected the stream of chips, but not the coolant haha.