Asking for a little help to get through the weekend. My debit card information was stolen last week and someone took a large amount of money out of my account. I’ve scrapped together with little I can to take care of my upcoming rent, and I went and did the fun plasma thing the other night, but I’m still about 150 to $200 short of where I need to be to get through the weekend with gas, cat food, and bills.
Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated. I understand that there are those in greater need, but I just want to ask for help because I can’t get any more money until Monday.
I updated my cash app to remove my name… Which I realize was not a smart move. I also have Venmo and PayPal if that works better.
Cashapp - $servingkant
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?
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