How would you feel if Recall Inscription’s inability to work on upgrade scrolls was extended to enchantment stones?
I think some nerfs to certain spells would make the cleric more in line with other classes. I wouldn’t say the spells are broken, but the number and variety of spells gives the class a versatility and survivability that, in my opinion, currently leads the other classes.
You’re generally going to get an enchantment stone at least once a run, provided you’re checking for secret rooms. Probably 2 or 3 if you get a ring of wealth, or lucky weapon. Having 4 or 6 enchantment stones is a luxury only the cleric can have fairly easily.
EDIT: This spell is kinda bonkers with a scroll of mystical energy. Even at Recall Inscription+1, the 9 turns of recharging gives enough 2 charges to your tome that you can use RI to eke out more charging for free. Optimally, you’d have RI+2 and use it after mystical energy has ended.
Heck, I wouldn’t mind if RI had a special clause against recharging your tome; like the thief’s Mystical Meal talent.
EDIT2: You can also use Mnemonic Prayer to eke out a bit more; provided you’re a priest and invested in the spell.
I think I would just hard nerf RI to just runes and rule out stone of enchantment. But then many will probably complain.
We’ll see how things turn up after the release of v3.0 but atm recall inscription is showing as surprisingly balanced. I do agree it has to pretty powerful edge-cases though, which might bump up the power of the spell as more people discover and start using them.
Much like the Duelist, the Cleric is a character with a very high ‘top speed’, if the player is very skilled, but for the moment I’m mostly concerned about ‘cruising-speed’, or how well they do with the average skill player. Based on that metric the Cleric is actually slightly weak at the moment!
Personally, I think balancing the potential is future-proofing because sooner or later, exploits will be adopted. But in reality, oftentimes a wait and see approach is used when there’s a lack of current data to indicate an issue.