I’m interested in this project, but I am unsure if there’s anything actually useful or fun you can do with it.
So tell me about the fun stuff you’ve built!
I’m interested in this project, but I am unsure if there’s anything actually useful or fun you can do with it.
So tell me about the fun stuff you’ve built!
How did you decide between LoRaWan and meshtastic?
Went with neither. We have our own gateways that connect to the internet.
LoRa itself travels kms if the terrain is favourable.
Neat. But is there any architectural difference between the two? Do LoRaWan units also form a decentralised mesh network?
Yeah they share little other than same radio carrier.
Lorawan is hierarchical, almost always eventually plug into the internet, data is binary, and upstream providers are usually commercial.
Meshtastic does its alternative network meshing thing.