She obviously had to look up the script on her phone, thereby signalling she in fact does not truly know her stuff. That’s a ticket to county jail right there, nobody is going to take you seriously if you cannot repeat the magic incantations by heart.
But on a serious note: The amount of patience that officer had with here was more than she deserved. She had every opportunity to just leave, but instead she choose to double down. Feels like there is an thin line between simply being misinformed and mental health issues.
Yes, you can really see it as she begins to lose her shit. She goes from confident and proud to just falling apart that her magic isn’t working. It’s pretty sad, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. Her worldview is shattered.
She obviously had to look up the script on her phone, thereby signalling she in fact does not truly know her stuff. That’s a ticket to county jail right there, nobody is going to take you seriously if you cannot repeat the magic incantations by heart.
But on a serious note: The amount of patience that officer had with here was more than she deserved. She had every opportunity to just leave, but instead she choose to double down. Feels like there is an thin line between simply being misinformed and mental health issues.
Yes, you can really see it as she begins to lose her shit. She goes from confident and proud to just falling apart that her magic isn’t working. It’s pretty sad, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. Her worldview is shattered.
Exact same feeling I had when watching that breakdown. I sincerely hope she learns from this and escapes the SovCit bubble.