I thought the existence and popularity of fantasy football was proof of how ruined the game is by corporate control of the league and the unwatchability due to ad breaks.
I say this as someone who used to watch when I was younger and then got bored by professional, switching to only watching college because the teams couldn’t just up and move to a new city. then I just quit watching after the CTE revelations and how shady the NCAA is.
but yeah, with fantasy football, basically people invented a game on top of the game on TV to create some enjoyment and purpose to watching the game. namely, to simulate their own team and bypass the existing ownership structure of capitalist dominance and have their own community of pseudo owners and fake teams to compete with.
I thought the existence and popularity of fantasy football was proof of how ruined the game is by corporate control of the league and the unwatchability due to ad breaks.
I say this as someone who used to watch when I was younger and then got bored by professional, switching to only watching college because the teams couldn’t just up and move to a new city. then I just quit watching after the CTE revelations and how shady the NCAA is.
but yeah, with fantasy football, basically people invented a game on top of the game on TV to create some enjoyment and purpose to watching the game. namely, to simulate their own team and bypass the existing ownership structure of capitalist dominance and have their own community of pseudo owners and fake teams to compete with.