My son is starting to get into Warhammer and so far he’s learned the mechanics of Age of Sigmar, but he still isn’t sure what road to go down. Normally he’d go for whatever my brother in law is into (he introduced him to MTG, obviously the gateway drug) but he’s not deep into Warhammer yet (BiL was gifted a Necromunda squad) so my son will have to figure it out for himself.

Assuming most people here picked 40k over Age of Sigmar, I’m curious to know what motivated your choice? He’s painted a few random figurines he was gifted, but is now giving serious thought into going further. We’d welcome any tips on where to start!

  • Foreigner@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    Ah interesting, do you mean using the figurines but with different game rules and mechanics?

      1 month ago

      Exactly this!

      I mentioned One Page Rules in particular because it’s the one that I still play.

      The buy-in is zero - you get the core rules for free. They are clean, easy to remember, and fast to play with.

      OPR : Grimdark Future is the 40k equivalent OPR : Grimdark Future Firefight is a smaller scale skirmish based version. I like Firefight best personally - you can play with just a handful of figures per team.

      An additional aspect is that it is miniature agnostic. Most of the teams are “legally distinct” spins on the 40k factions, with each troop type having an equivalent, but you can use any miniatures you have (regardless of who makes them) totally legitimately.

      They have a free army building web app called Army Forge. You can spin up a couple of armies based on the models you have already, print off the rules, and have a quick game straight away :)

      Edit: I just visited their homepage and thought I should clarify something. When they say “receive 50 minis a month”, they are talking about files for 3d printing these miniatures, not actual physical figures in the mail!