
Trying to use my linux partition to remote into windows PCs and I am struggling to get ninja remote software to work with even a browser running through wine. Has anyone used this software before and have a solution?

  • it_sunburn@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    Funny I just spend a few hours working on this on my workstation. Tested in VM first before deploying out to my main machine. but here are rough steps:

    You have to use wine and the browser extension “User-Agent Switcher and Manager” I would say first install the browser extension then log into your RMM agent. The button to remote will appear but won’t work. Click the remote in button and Download the 32bit agent from the pop up Then run wine not sudo on that exe file. Once installed you need to make a desktop entry [nano ~/.local/share/applications/ninja-remote.desktop]

    Change the username and verify the path is correct by checking your wine folder#####

    #Paste this with the correct path and username [Desktop Entry] Name=NinjaOne Remote Exec=bash -c ‘wine “/home/<USERNAME>/.wine/drive_c/users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/NinjaRemote/ncplayer.exe” “%u”’ Type=Application Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/ninjarmm;

    Second to last Register the desktop Entry: run: xdg-desktop-menu install ~/.local/share/applications/ninja-remote.desktop run: xdg-mime default ninja-remote.desktop x-scheme-handler/ninjarmm

    Lastly, Paste this in your firefox extension (The we used to trick sites into thinking we are windows) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36

    Let me know how it goes. Cheers!