The leopards are eating well this month.
The leopards are quickly becoming morbidly obese
Suspiciously well fed leopards of the USA
Just makes me think of this.
The rate they’re eating at, they’re not going to have a chance to get obese, morbidly or otherwise, before they burst like a bunch of Mr Creosotes.
“But Sir, it is wafer-thin.” “Fuck Off, I couldn’t eat another bite”
I’m so fucking glad that the letter specifically calls out Trump’s EO. Its the only way to breakthrough to these people.
The letter in question
wow. they’re actually taking the money back after the program funds were distributed to the participants’ utility accounts.
hahahaha brilliant! Can they read though?
It would work if they could read.
Consider that this is likely hitting single black mothers, as it’s the low income energy assistance program that’s being affected.
Maybe not a great comment hey?
I don’t know, I’m reading about the Dominican community in PA that apparently went for trump because they interpreted ‘I’m going to deport 20 million illegals’ as a declaration that he was going to give them amnesty.
We aren’t grappling with the real cause of our woes. An information environment that is worse than no information at all.
concerns about Trump’s immigration policies were outweighed by perception of his economic prowess
This is how you know you’re talking to an idiot.
I’m not arguing we don’t have a communication problem. Or that we don’t have an education problem in this country.
My point stands, the poverty rate for black households in Alabama is 150% greater than the white poverty rates.
Clawing back LIHEAP funding and other social services are going to hit vulnerable populations first.
Yes, some Trump voters are likely to be hurt by this. But far more single black mothers will statistically be affected.
So comments like yeah if they could read, show the commenter did not read the room. Or maybe they did, and we as a community are so happy to watch leopards eat people’s faces, we’re forgetting about who this is most likely hurting the most.
It’s the low income energy assistance program that is not paying its grants. And when we look at poverty rates in Alabama, it’s statistically likely that this is hitting single black mothers rather than Trump supporters.
Let’s not all have such a hard-on for leopards eating faces that we lose sight of who is actually being affected.
Where’s that rugged individualism?
Exactly! They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. And cut out all that avocado toast.
“Damn immigants stole ma’ bootstraps!”
Hundreds of people in Alabama were recently notified that their energy bills will spike thanks to President Donald Trump‘s recent executive orders.
Alabama went for Trump in the 2024 election by more than 30 percentage points.
“Donald Trump promised that, as president, he would drastically lower Americans’ energy bills. But hundreds of Alabama residents are receiving a $100 surcharge on their energy bills as a direct result of Trump’s actions in the White House,” wrote Judd Legum on X, along with a letter from Huntsville Utilities to its customers.
“Community Action Agency of Huntsville/Madison & Limestone Counties has notified us that the grant you received for $100.00 on January 23, 2025 is no longer valid due to President Trump’s executive order to rescind the funding behind the grant,” the letter read.
Americas energy, not the citizens. He owns America now so it’s his bills he’s lowering, not yours.
‘Civilians hate this one trick’
If Democrats ever get back into power, they’ll get yelled at for not fixing all this shit fast enough.
You mean like how they fixed the corporate tax rate, where Trump took it from 35% to 21%, and Biden campaigned on raising it to 28%, before ultimately not raising it back at all?
anything biden wanted to do would have required significant support from republicants in the senate. 60 votes for cloture, i.e. avoid or end a filibuster and bring the matter to a vote. at least for now it’s still 60–and 60 is not needed to revise or eliminate that. i suspect they’ll “need” to do just that in order to ram the really bad shit through congress.
I don’t see a problem with that. They’re not doing much that matters right now and now’s the time to find their balls. There are a few saying the right things but we still had an illegal alien from South Africa holding a press conference from the Oval Office while his little kid mouthed off to the supposed President who in turn mostly just sat there making weird twitching motions.
You actually believe Democrats are going to fix this? hahahaha
The state received $53 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for fiscal year 2025 as part of the regular yearly allocation for the LIHEAP program.
LIHEAP is the low income energy assistance program. Just to give y’all an idea of who this is affecting.
lmaooo have fun with that, Alabama. Nothing like having voted for the asshole who’s now fucking you in the ass.
The other source in the comments says this only impacts about 250 customers. I suspect the Trumpies among them will quickly talk themselves into thinking that’s money well spent for one more Let’s Go Brandon. After all they’re conditioned to double down on taking it in the shorts and liking it.
They will blame Democrats for it. Because anything bad in their lives is caused by a Democrat, and only a Republican can solve it.
They won’t even attempt to rationalize how it was caused by Democrats.
Why do they need NASA if their utilities are making rockets
whomp whomp whomp
click bait headline…
this is what the same company (advance publications) posted on their alabama site (the post link is new jersey):
Trump executive order leads to $100 charge for 250 Huntsville Utilities customers
This affected 250, I’m guessing poor, people.
Damn that’s crazy
It didn’t change the “rates”, it was a one time increase.
250 people are incurring a hundred dollar bump in a bill. Not great, but grading on a curve it’s a pittance compared to other stuff going on. Hardly huge news. We have farmers at risk of losing millions in aggregate, a story about 25 thousand dollars is nothing.
That’s not accurate. Did you read the letter?
They were getting a $100 credit on their bill because of the Federal Program.
Until the funding is reinstated, they will not be getting the $100 discount.
I did read the letter, the letter only describes a single bill. If there’s a recurring impact, the letter fails to state what that recurring impact would be over what term. Reading the utility page, I’m still not sure. It sounds like there’s some convoluted combination of energy credit funding specifically pertaining to heating, and a ‘stopgap’ credit was withdrawn but not the primary funding (yet). The utility page pegs the total value of the grants at $1 million, which doesn’t jive with just one time $100 to only 250 people, so either there’s some recurring impact, more people impacted, or it was only cancelled after $975,000 had already been paid out for this season and it was too late to claw back the rest. If that were the case then you might have a recurring $100 a year for 10,000 people. It’s just hard to tell from the readily available sources.
Liheap is a federal program that pays a portion of energy bills for low income households. It’s a national program, and affects people in every state.
This letter is from ONE utility company in AL. They sent the letter to 100 of THEIR customers to explain why their bills would be going up $100. There are many other people in other areas that will be affected, but those utility companies may or may not send a similar letter saying “TRUMP DID THIS TO YOU!”
How many farmers are impacted? Couple hundred? The corporate farms will be fine.
Frankly, not sure about that. There’s a lot of money that got cut off, and no idea how many sorts of different farmer classes, or if even corp farms can weather the impact.
When we get to the growing season in california, we may have an insurmountable water supply problem owing to the stupid opening of dams, and money can’t fix that even if the corps have it.