As the title says. I eventually want to run an impostor scenario/murder mystery in my World of Darkness game at some point, and would like some pointers.

    19 days ago

    When doing that, I follow what I saw done in LARP.

    Pre-gen character, making sure that everyone has a secret, a couple of goals, and relationship with character. Then I find an “in-game” reason to keep everyone in the same-place (snow storm, hiding from the police, magical myst, on a boat), Finally, I had a couple of clues which may reveal some secrets over the game-location, and sometimes a couple of “events”, but usually letting “brew” is enough to have the plot revealing and the betrayal occuring. As any game with some PvP component, keep some time for debrief/cool-down, it can be emotionally intense

    As opposite to LARP, I would still have a bunch of NPC, who would also have their goal/secrets. However, I would try to keep the “big secrets” and “culprit” within the PC.

    IMO it’s harder to incorporate this kind of things in an exiting campaign, or you go to a more classic investigation (which are nice too),