Welcome to all our new members—hi!
You’re beginner, or you’re simply considering if you should start keeping a journal? Ask all your questions here. You’re more experienced? Feel free to share pictures of your journal, tips & tricks, anecdotes.
This week theme: Do you like your journal pages to look perfect?
Anything related to keeping a journal is welcome in this weekly thread.
I probably get a little too invested in how my journal looks but for me that’s part of the process. I create digital art journal pages so I can rearrange and resize things until I like the way they look.
I can understand that.
That’s one reason I try to not do that: I’m afraid I would spend all my time making it look better and never actually finish it working it. For anyone reading this that would also be in digital, do you have any suggestions to put a (time?) limit on that kind of faffing around?
Also, do you a specific journaling app that let you do all you want, or some image editing software?
I use a different app for the layout, but I count messing about with it as a separate hobby. I find it relaxing by itself so it’s become an important part of the process.